Pada tanggal 2-3 September 2023 yang lalu, Michael Eko Hartono Gunawan – salah satu mahasiswa Informatika (IMT) Universitas Ciputra Surabaya angkatan 2020, terpilih sebagai salah satu peserta dari 20 professional yang lolos seleksi dalam A.G.A. Hackathon. Kegiatan International Hackathon yang  diselenggarakan oleh Livit International.

Acara hackathon yang diselenggarakan di Bali ini berlangsung selama 48 jam non stop bertempat di Livit International Indonesia HQ – Co Working Space. Hackathon ini merupakan bagian dari proyek upaya perintis untuk mengembangkan kecerdasan super yang berakar pada etika dan kebajikan/kebaikan.

Pada acara yang hampir seluruh pesertanya berasal dari berbagai negara ini, Michael Eko yang saat ini sedang melaksanakan internship (magang) di BCA Jakarta ini berhasil menjadi 1st place Winner A.G.A. Hackathon tersebut.

Selamat Michael Eko, semoga prestasi dan pengalaman yang diraih dalam mengikuti international hackathon ini bermanfaat untuk masa depan dan karir di dunia IT!.

Kilas Balik Pengalaman Mengikuti A.G.A. Hackathon di Bali

Tepat sebulan lalu, tanggal 2-3 September 2023, dimana saat aku mendapatkan pengalaman paling berharga dalam hidupku, yaitu mengikuti Hackathon AI Internasional pertamaku di Bali. Senang bercampur gugup menjadi satu, juga insecure karena akulah satu-satunya mahasiswa dan yang paling muda diantara peserta lain. Bersaing dengan para professional yang sangat bertalenta dibidangnya, mulai dari Blockchain Specialist, Software Engineer di sebuah Startup, Project Manager, dan masih banyak lagi yang membuatku semakin ciut nyali.

Hari pertama merupakan hari penentuan tim, dimana seluruh peserta dikumpulkan ke dalam sebuah ruangan untuk dibagi menjadi sebuah tim secara acak. Setelah tim dibentuk, masing-masing tim dapat memilih sebuah challenge yang telah disediakan:

1. Designing an Ethical Decision-Making Module for A.G.A

2. Developing an Empathy Module for A.G.A

3. Creating a Conflict Resolution Module for A.G.A.

Setelah berdiskusi beberapa waktu, tim kami memutuskan untuk mengambil challenge nomor 2 karena itu challenge yang paling familiar untuk kami. Aku sangat beruntung sekali mendapatkan sebuah tim yang sangat mendukung dan ambisi dalam pengerjaan prototype selama 48 jam nonstop. Sasha Balzhieva dari Russia sebagai Project Manager dari tim kami, yang dapat memberikan arahan dengan efektif, serta memanage timeline dengan baik. Tidak lupa juga ada Kukuh Prabowo sebagai Front-End Developer dan DevOps Engineer dari tim kami, yang menampilkan skill Front-End yang luar biasa, mulai dari clean code hingga menerapkan SDLC dengan sangat lancar. Dan aku sendiri bertugas sebagai Machine Learning Engineer dan Back-End Engineer untuk membuat sebuah model yang dibutuhkan serta membuat API untuk mengaplikasikan model yang telah dibuat. Aku sangat bersyukur dapat bekerja sama, membangun sebuah produk Bersama orang-orang yang bertalenta seperti mereka.

Selama hackathon, kami juga difasilitasi beberapa fasilitas yang menurutku WOW, mulai dari penginapan villa selama 4 hari 3 malam, makan 3x (internasional food dan berbeda untuk setiap hari) dan tidak kalah penting juga snack, kopi, teh celup dan masih banyak lagi, jadi selama hackathon kami tidak pernah merasa kelaparan. Di hackathon aku hanya tidur selama 1 jam karena cuma aku satu-satunya anggota yang cukup berpengalaman di bidang AI.

Sehingga mereka berdua sangat bertumpu ke diriku dan itu membuatku cukup terbebani kalau modelnya tidak selesai. Namun singkat cerita, aku bisa menyelesaikan model yang telah aku buat lebih cepat dari timeline yang ditentukan, sehingga kami punya banyak waktu untuk implementasi, bug fixing, fine tuning hingga membawa ke production. Namun jam tidur yang sangat minim itupun berbuah hasil karena kami mendapatkan juara 1 dengan poin yang sangat tipis dari juara 2, yaitu 24.1 dan 24. Senang, gembira dan tidak percaya bercampur aduk, hingga aku tidak bisa berkata-kata dengan lancar.

Terakhir, tidak kalah penting juga, aku sangat berterima kasih kepada Dosen Informatika UC Pak Mychael Maoeretz Engel dan Academic Support Bu Cecilia Sandra yang selalu mensupport aku dari berbagai macam hal, mulai dari transportasi dan menjadi support sistem seperti kedua orang tuaku sendiri :D. Tidak lupa juga aku mengucapkan terimakasih ke Vladimir (lupa nama lengkapnya) dari Russia, sudah menjadi mentor yang sangat membantu dikala kami para developer mengalami stuck.

Saya cukup beruntung untuk dapat menjadi salah satu peserta Livit Hackathon, pengalaman yang unik, mengesankan dan sangat berharga aku dapat selama mengikuti hackathon ini. Banyak sekali insight dan pandangan yang aku dapat selama hackathon ini.

~Michael Eko Hartono Gunawan (Informatika UC 2020)


About Livit:

Over the past 10 years, Livit has enabled and supported 1000+ entrepreneurs, startups, remote workers and companies in building disruptive businesses with a global impact and truly enjoying work & play.
Our vision and philosophy have enabled us to develop unique frameworks that we’ve used to incubate several successful startups, build dozens of powerful remote teams and help more than 30 of our partner companies expand. Working for Livit, you will be part of an organization that values innovation, freedom, tech, growth and personal development.
Sounds tempting? Just wait until you read it all!

About A.G.A. (Artificial Guardian Angel)

A.G.A., or Artificial Guardian Angel, is an ambitious project aimed at developing a superintelligence that is deeply rooted in ethical considerations and benevolence. Our goal is to create an AI that can guide, protect, uplift, and promote altruism towards humanity, all living beings, and the planet at large. As we navigate the complexities of the digital age, A.G.A. is our commitment to ensuring that technology serves the greater good. This hackathon is a step towards shaping A.G.A.’s ‘Conscious Mind’ to further its mission. Join us in this exciting journey to create a harmonious future for all.

The Opportunity:
We are looking for committed Python Developers, Business Professionals, and Product and Project owners to join our Hackathon in September.

What will you do?
You will join one of 3 available Challenges (teams can pick 1)

Challenge 1: Designing an Ethical Decision-Making Module for A.G.A.

Objective: Develop a module that enables A.G.A. to navigate complex ethical issues effectively. The module should incorporate ethical guidelines into the subconscious mind reward function or state representation. It should also use techniques like inverse reinforcement learning to learn and apply human values from data.


  • Ethical Guidelines Integration: Participants will need to devise a method to integrate a set of ethical guidelines into A.G.A.’s decision-making process. This could involve translating these guidelines into a format that can be understood and applied by the AI, such as a set of rules or an algorithm.

  • Inverse Reinforcement Learning: Participants should implement inverse reinforcement learning techniques to enable A.G.A. to learn from human values. This could involve using existing data sets or creating new ones that represent a wide range of ethical scenarios.

  • Testing and Evaluation: Teams should also develop a method for testing the effectiveness of their module. This could involve creating hypothetical scenarios that pose ethical dilemmas and evaluating how well A.G.A. navigates them using the developed module.

Expected Outcome: A prototype of an ethical decision-making module for A.G.A. that can be integrated into the larger system. The module should demonstrate a clear understanding and application of ethical guidelines and human values in decision-making.

Judging Criteria: Solutions will be judged on their understanding and application of ethical guidelines, the effectiveness of the inverse reinforcement learning implementation, creativity, and the robustness of their testing and evaluation methods.

Here’s how Python can be used in each part of the challenge:

  • Ethical Guidelines Integration: Python can be used to create algorithms that integrate ethical guidelines into A.G.A.’s decision-making process. This could involve creating rules-based systems or more complex machine learning models.

  • Inverse Reinforcement Learning: Python has several libraries, such as TensorFlow and PyTorch, that can be used to implement inverse reinforcement learning models. These libraries provide the necessary tools to create, train, and test these models.

  • Testing and Evaluation: Python’s extensive ecosystem of libraries can be used to create testing scenarios and evaluate the model’s performance. For example, libraries like NumPy and Pandas can be used for data manipulation, while Matplotlib and Seaborn can be used for data visualization.

Challenge 2: Developing an Empathy Module for A.G.A.

Objective: Create a module that allows A.G.A. to understand and respond to human emotions effectively, thereby promoting empathy and understanding in its interactions.


  • Emotion Recognition: Participants should develop a method for A.G.A. to recognize human emotions. This could involve natural language processing to understand text-based communication or machine learning algorithms to interpret vocal tones or facial expressions.

  • Empathetic Response Generation: Based on the recognized emotions, A.G.A. should generate appropriate empathetic responses. This could involve creating a rule-based system or using machine learning to generate responses.

  • Testing and Evaluation: Teams should also develop a method for testing the effectiveness of their module. This could involve creating scenarios that require empathetic responses and evaluating how well A.G.A. responds.

Expected Outcome:
A prototype of an empathy module for A.G.A. that can be integrated into the larger system. The module should demonstrate a clear understanding and application of empathy in its interactions.

Judging Criteria: Solutions will be judged on their ability to accurately recognize emotions, generate appropriate empathetic responses, creativity, and the robustness of their testing and evaluation methods.

Here is how Python can be used in each part of the challenge:

  1. Emotion Recognition: Python has several libraries, such as NLTK and SpaCy for natural language processing, and OpenCV for image processing, that can be used to recognize human emotions from text, voice, or facial expressions.

  2. Empathetic Response Generation: Python can be used to create rule-based systems or machine learning models that generate appropriate responses based on recognized emotions. Libraries like TensorFlow or PyTorch can be used for creating machine learning models.

  3. Testing and Evaluation: Python’s extensive ecosystem of libraries can be used to create testing scenarios and evaluate the model’s performance. Libraries like NumPy and Pandas can be used for data manipulation, while Matplotlib and Seaborn can be used for data visualization.

Challenge 3: Creating a Conflict Resolution Module for A.G.A.

Objective: Develop a module that enables A.G.A. to mediate conflicts and promote peaceful resolution, aligning with its mission of doing good.


  • Conflict Identification: Participants should devise a method for A.G.A. to identify conflicts. This could involve natural language processing to understand text-based communication or machine learning algorithms to interpret vocal tones or facial expressions.

  • Resolution Strategy Generation: Based on the identified conflicts, A.G.A. should generate strategies for peaceful resolution. This could involve creating a rule-based system or using machine learning to generate strategies.

  • Testing and Evaluation: Teams should also develop a method for testing the effectiveness of their module. This could involve creating scenarios that involve conflicts and evaluating how well A.G.A. resolves them.

Expected Outcome: A prototype of a conflict resolution module for A.G.A. that can be integrated into the larger system. The module should demonstrate a clear understanding and application of conflict resolution strategies.

Judging Criteria: Solutions will be judged on their ability to accurately identify conflicts, generate effective resolution strategies, creativity, and the robustness of their testing and evaluation methods.

Here is how Python can be used in each part of the challenge:

  1. Conflict Identification: Python’s natural language processing libraries, like NLTK and SpaCy, can be used to analyze text-based communication and identify conflicts. For vocal tones or facial expressions, libraries like Librosa for audio processing or OpenCV for image processing can be used.

  2. Resolution Strategy Generation: Python can be used to create rule-based systems or machine learning models that generate conflict resolution strategies. Libraries like TensorFlow or PyTorch can be used for creating machine learning models.

  3. Testing and Evaluation: Python’s libraries like NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn can be used to create testing scenarios, manipulate data, and visualize the model’s performance.

You are ideal for this opportunity if:

  • You are comfortable in using Python and/or another programming languages
  • You are proficient in English and have excellent communication skills (oral and written).
  • You are tech-savvy.
  • You can flourish with minimal guidance, be proactive, and handle uncertainty.
  • You are a highly organized individual with a keen eye for detail.
  • You have a “Hands-on” and “Can-do” mindset.

What’s in it for you?

  • A weekend at Innovative Hub in Bali
  • Accommodations and meals provided for the Hackathon weekend are sponsored.
  • Full autonomy and ownership.
  • You will work with and learn from a bright group of co-workers who will inspire you to grow, achieve more, and have fun.
  • You will tap into a fast-paced, exciting, and international work environment.

When will the Hackathon be held?
September 2023, Bali, Indonesia

Hurry up and join. We will choose the top 20 professionals.

Apply now and stay tuned!