Kelompok Tahu yang terdiri dari mahasiswa Program Studi Informatika Universitas Ciputra Surabaya berhasil menjadi Juara 2 Asian Team Innovation Challenge untuk kategori Indonesia. Asian Team Innovation Challenge ini berupakan salah satu bagian dari  studi yang diselenggarakan oleh National University of Singapore (NUS) dengan judul Team Innovation behavior Across Asian Cultures. Kegiatan ini diikuti 2000 partisipan dan dari 5 negara: Singapore, China, India, Japan, dan Indonesia.

Universitas Ciputra Surabaya berhasil menyapu bersih pemenang untuk peserta dari Indonesia, yaitu:

  • 1st Winner: Stoko, Team Leader – Bevan, Information System for Business (ISB) Universitas Ciputra Surabaya, Cohort  2018, berhak atas hadiah tunai Rp. 6 jt
  • 2nd Winner: Tahu, Team Leader – Marshall, Informatics (IMT) Universitas Ciputra Surabaya, Cohort 2019, berhak atas hadiah tunai Rp. 4 jt
  • 3rd Winner. Fitcinating – Team  Indra Rachmaditya, Magister Management (MEM) Universitas Ciputra Surabaya, Batch 22, hadiah tunai Rp. 2jt.
Semoga semakin banyak prestasi yang ditorehkan oleh para mahasiswa Universitas Ciputra Surabaya, khususnya dari program studi Informatika (IMT) UC.
Salam Entrepreneur!

Dalam proses lombanya banyak bertanya kepada para moderator dari NUS, mulai dari ide lucu untuk membuat restoran yang menjual makanan secara prasmanan tapi diangkasa dimana makanan bebas untuk diambil dan melayang-layang di angkasa.

Setelah melalui berbagai proses diskusi akhirnya diputuskan bahwa permasalahan terbesar adalah perbedaan gravitasi yang ada disana. Terinspirasi dari kartun jama dulu yang berjudul “The Jetsons”, dan kami menciptakan sepatu yang bernama “Newtons”, sepatu yang dapat membuat penggunanya untuk berjalan di Mars yang memungkinkan penggunanya merasakan seperti berjalan dibumi. Perkembangan selanjutnya juga dapat membuat sepatu tersebut untuk membantu penggunanya untuk berjalan di dinding untuk meningkatkan dimensi kehidupan kita.

~Tahu Team

Congrats Tahu Team!


The Poster



This study is a sub project of the larger study – Enhancing Productivity of Innovations Across Cultures for Singapore (EPICS)


Prof. Michael Frese, A/P Song Zhaoli, Dr. Sylvia Hubner, Dr. Jomel Ng, Dr. Ameek Kaur


The purpose of this study is to understand how team members work together on creativity tasks, and how this behaviour differs across different cultures in Asia. This study aims to contribute to the domains of cross cultural studies, team behaviour, and innovation. Findings of this study will help to advance knowledge on how innovation behaviours, a presumedly universal phenomenon, could in fact vary across cultures, in particular national cultures in developing and developed countries in Asia.


We are looking for participants who work in an entrepreneurial or innovation team on a full-time basis e.g., startup team, Research and Development (R&D) team in a company. Since one component of this research is a team task, we are looking for participants to register with their team mates from work. Participants in this study will need a time commitment of about 2 hours 15 minutes spread over two tasks which will be carried out at different time points.

# Task Description Time Required
1 Team Creativity Task
(Team task, 3-6 members)
Team has to prepare a solution concept poster for the problem given to at the start of the task. This task will be conducted over Zoom (session will be recorded) 90 minutes
2 Survey
Questionnaire on culture, team behaviour and processes, individual attributes (online) 45 minutes


Maintaining privacy and confidentiality of the participants is our top priority. All the survey responses and video recordings will be stored in accordance to the University’s Research Data Management Policy, on a secured computer in NUS. This data will only be accessible to the research team, which will code the data and anonymize it at the earliest possible stage of the research. Any identifiable information, including video clips, will never be placed on any public platform.

This is a large study aimed at collecting data from a total of about 2000 participants from 5 countries – Singapore, China, India, Japan and Indonesia.


The participating teams, can benefit in the following ways:

  • Receive a Team Performance Feedback Report based on the team’s participation in the team creativity task, which will be extremely valuable for the team to improve its work effectiveness.
  • The team’s submission in the team creativity task will be considered for the Asian Innovation Challenge where the top 3 innovative concepts from the pool of entries in each country will receive cash prizes (check for country specific information). We will announce the winner at the end of the study.
  • All participants who complete the three tasks will each receive cash reimbursement (check for country specific information).
  • Participants will also get access to be a part of our vast Asian Startup Network

Participation in this research will have valuable contributing towards knowledge generation in the area of Cross Cultural studies and Team Behaviour.